Recipe Cookbook (draft)

This document assumes that readers already know the DDF data model. If you are not familiar with it, please refer to DDF data model document.

What is Recipe

Recipe is a Domain-specific language(DSL) for DDF datasets, to manipulate existing datasets and create new ones. By reading and running the recipe executor(Chef), one can generate a new dataset easily with the procedures we provide. Continue with Write Your First Recipe or Structure of a Recipe to learn how to use recipes. You can also check examples here

Write Your First Recipe

In this section we will go though the usage of recipes. Suppose you are a data provider and you have access to 2 DDF datasets, ddf–gapminder–population and ddf–bp–energy. Now you want to make a new dataset, which contains oil consumption per person data for each country. Let’s do it with Recipe!

0. Prologue

Before you begin, you need to create a project. With the command line tool ddf, we can get a well designed dataset project directory. Just run ddf new and answer some questions. The script will generate the directory for you. When it’s done we are ready to write the recipe.

As you might notice, there is a template in project_root/recipes/, and it’s in YAML format. Chef support recipes in both YAML and JSON format, but we recommend YAML because it’s easier to write and read. In this document we will use YAML recipes.

1. Add basic info

First of all, we want to add some meta data to describe the target dataset. This kind of information can be written in the info section. The info section is optional and these metadata will be also written in the datapackage.json in the final output. You can put anything you want in this section. In our example, we add the following information:

    id: ddf--your_company--oil_per_person
    author: your_company
    version: v1
    license: MIT
    language: en
        - ddf--gapminder--population
        - ddf--gapminder--geo_entity_domain
        - ddf--bp--energy

2. Set Options

The next thing to do is to tell Chef where to look for the source datasets. We can set this option in config section.

    ddf_dir: /path/to/datasets/

There are other options you can set in this section, check config section for available options.

3. Define Ingredients

The basic object in recipe is ingredient. A ingredient defines a collection of data which comes form existing dataset or result of computation between several ingredients. To define ingredients form existing datasets or csv files, we append to the ingredients section; to define ingredients on the fly, we append to the cooking section.

The ingredients section is a list of ingredient objects. An ingredient that reads data from a data package should be defined with following parameters:

  • id: the name of the ingredient
  • dataset: the dataset where the ingredient is from
  • key: the primary keys to filter from datapackage, should be comma seperated strings
  • value: a list of concept names to filter from the result of filtering keys, or pass “*” to select all. Alternatively a mongodb-like query can be used.
  • filter: optional, only select rows match the filter. The filter is a dictionary where keys are colunm names and values are values to filter. Alternatively a mongodb-like query can be used.

There are more parameters for ingredient definition, see the ingredients section document.

In our example, we need datapoints from both gapminder population dataset and oil consumption datapoints from bp dataset. Noticing the bp is using lower case short names for its geo and gapminder is using 3 letter iso for its country entities, we should align them to use one system too. So we end up with below ingredients:

    - id: oil-consumption-datapoints
      dataset: ddf--bp--energy
      key: geo, year
          - oil_consumption_tonnes
    - id: population-datapoints
      dataset: ddf--gapminder--population
      key: country, year
      value: "*"  # note that the * symbol is reserved symbol in yaml,
                  # we should quote it if we mean a string
    - id: bp-geo-entities
      dataset: ddf--bp--energy
      key: geo
      value: "*"
    - id: gapminder-country-synonyms
      dataset: ddf--gapminder--population
      key: country, synonym
      value: "*"

4. Add Cooking Procedures

We have all ingredients we need, the next step is to cook with these ingredients. In recipe we put all cooking procedures under the cooking section. Because in DDF model we have 3 kinds of collections: concepts, datapoints and entities, we divide the cooking section into 3 corresponding sub-sections, and in each section will be a list of procedures. So the basic format is:

        # procedures for concepts here
        # procedures for entities here
        # procedures for datapoints here

Procedures are like functions. They take ingredients as input, operate with options, and return new ingredients as result. For a complete list of supported procedures, see Available Procedures. With this in mind, we can start writing our cooking procedures. Suppose after some discussion, we decided our task list is:

  • datapoints: oil consumption per capita, and use country/year as dimensions.
  • entities: use the country entities from Gapminder
  • concepts: all concepts from datapoints and entities

Firstly we look at datapoints. What we need to do to get what we need are:

  1. change the dimensions to country/year for bp and gapminder datapoints
  2. align bp datapoints to use gapminder’s country entities
  3. calculate per capita data

We can use translate_header, translate_column, merge, run_op to get these tasks done.

    # change dimension for bp
    - procedure: translate_header
          - bp-datapoints
              geo: country
      result: bp-datapoints-translated

    # align bp geo to gapminder country
    - procedure: translate_column
          - bp-geo-entities
      result: bp-geo-translated
          column: geo_name  # the procedure will search for values in this column
          target_column: country  # ... and put the matched value in this column
              base: gapminder-country-synonyms
              # key is the columns to search for match of geo names
              key: synonym
              # value is the column to get new value
              value: country

      # align bp datapoints to new bp entities
      - procedure: translate_column
            - bp-datapoints-translated
        result: bp-datapoints-translated-aligned
            column: country
            target_column: country
                base: bp-geo-translated
                key: geo
                value: country

      # merge bp/gapminder data and calculate the result
      - procedure: merge
            - bp-datapoints-translated-aligned
            - population-datapoints
        result: bp-population-merged-datapoints
      - procedure: run_op
            - bp-population-merged-datapoints
                oil_consumption_per_capita: |
                    oil_consumption_tonnes * 1000 / population
        result: datapoints-calculated
      # only keep the indicator we need
      - procedure: filter
            - datapoints-calculated
                - oil_consumption_per_capita
        result: datapoints-final

For entities, we will just use the country entities from gapminder, so we can skip this part. For concepts, we need to extract concepts from the ingredients:

    - procedure: extract_concepts
          - datapoints-final
          - gapminder-country-entities
      result: concepts-final
          overwrite:  # manually set some concept_types
              year: time
              country: entity_domain

5. Serve Dishes

After all these procedure, we have cook the dishes and it’s time to serve it! In recipe we can set which ingredients are we going to serve(save to disk) in the serving section. Note that this section is optional, and if you don’t specify then the last procedure of each sub-section of cooking will be served.

    - id: concepts-final
    - id: gapminder-country-entities
    - id: datapoints-final

Now we have finished the recipe. For the complete recipe, please check this gist.

6. Running the Recipe

To run the recipe to generate the dataset, we use the ddf command line tool. Run the following command and it will cook for you and result will be saved into out_dir.

ddf run_recipe -i example.yml -o out_dir

If you want to just do a dry run without saving the result, you can run with the -d option.

ddf run_recipe -i example.yml -d

Now you have learned the basics of Recipe. We will go though more details in Recipe in the next sections.

Structure of a Recipe

A recipe is made of following parts:

  • basic info
  • configuration
  • includes
  • ingredients
  • cooking procedures
  • serving section

A recipe file can be in either json or yaml format. We will explain each part of recipe in details in the next sections.

info section

All basic info are stored in info section of the recipe. an id field is required inside this section. Any other information about the new dataset can be store inside this section, such as name, provider, description and so on. Data in this section will be written into datapackage.json file of the generated dataset.

config section

Inside config section, we define the configuration of dirs. currently we can set below path:

  • ddf_dir: the directory that contains all ddf csv repos. Must set this variable in the main recipe to run with chef, or provide as an command line option using the ddf utility.
  • recipes_dir: the directory contains all recipes to include. Must set this variable if we have include section. If relative path is provided, the path will be related to the path of the recipe.
  • dictionary_dir: the directory contains all translation files. Must set this variable if we have json file in the options of procedures. (translation will be discussed later). If relative path is provided, the path will be related to the path of the recipe.
  • procedures_dir: when you want to use custom procedures, you should set this option to tell which dir the procedures are in.

include section

A recipe can include other recipes inside itself. to include a recipe, simply append the filename to the include section. note that it should be a absolute path or a filename inside the recipes_dir.

ingredients section

A recipe must have some ingredients for cooking. There are 2 places where we can define ingredients in recipe:

  • in ingredients section
  • in the ingredients parameter in procedures, which is called on-the-fly ingredients

in either case, the format of ingredient definition object is the same. An ingredient should be defined with following parameters:

  • id: the name of the ingredient, which we can refer later in the procedures. id is optional when the ingredient is in a procedure object.
  • dataset or data: one of them should be defined in the ingredient. Use dataset when we want to read data from an dataset, and use data when we want to read data from a csv file.
  • key: the primary keys to filter from datapackage, should be comma seperated strings
  • value: optional, a list of concept names to filter from the result of filtering keys, or pass “*” to select all. Mongo-like queries are also supported, see examples below. If omitted, assume “*”.
  • filter: optional, only select rows match the filter. The filter is a dictionary where keys are colunm names and values are values to filter. Mongo-like queries are also supported, see examples below and examples in filter procedure.

Here is an example ingredient object in recipe:

id: example-ingredient
dataset: ddf--example--dataset
key: "geo,time"  # key columns of ingredient
value:  # only include concepts listed here
  - concept_1
  - concept_2
filter:  # select rows by column values
  geo:  # only keep datapoint where `geo` is in [swe, usa, chn]
    - swe
    - usa
    - chn

value and filter can accept mongo like queries to make more complex statements, for example:

id: example-ingredient
dataset: ddf--example--dataset
key: geo, time
    $nin:  # exclude following indicators
        - concept1
        - concept2
            - swe
            - usa
            - chn
            $gt: 2000
            $lt: 2015

for now, value accepts $in and $nin keywords, but only one of them can be in the value option; filter supports logical keywords: $and, $or, $not, $nor, and comparision keywords: $eq, $gt, $gte, $lt, $lte, $ne, $in, $nin.

The other way to define the ingredient data is using the data keyword to include external csv file, or inline the data in the ingredient definition. Example:

id: example-ingredient
key: concept
data: external_concepts.csv

You can also create On-the-fly ingredient:

id: example-ingredient
key: concept
    - concept: concept_1
      name: concept_name_1
      concept_type: string
      description: concept_description_1
    - concept: concept_2
      name: concept_name_2
      concept_type: measure
      description: concept_description_2

cooking section

cooking section is a dictionary contains one or more list of procedures to build a dataset. valid keys for cooking section are datapoints, entities, concepts.

The basic format of a procedure is:

procedure: proc_name
  - ingredient_to_run_the_proc
options:  # options object to pass to the procedure
  foo: baz
result: id_of_new_ingredient

Available procedures will be shown in the below section.

serving section and serve procedure

For now there are 2 ways to tell chef which ingredients should be served, and you can choose one of them, but not both.

serve procedure

serve procedure should be placed in cooking section, with the following format:

procedure: serve
  - ingredient_to_serve
  opt: val

multiple serve procedures are allowed in each cooking section.

serving section

serving section should be a top level object in the recipe, with following format:

  - id: ingredient_to_serve_1
      opt: val
  - id: ingredient_to_serve_2
      foo: baz

available options

  • digits : int, controls how many decimal should be kept at most in a numeric ingredient.
  • no_keep_sets : bool, by default chef will serve the entities by entity_sets, i.e. each entity set will have one file. Enabling this will make chef serve entire domain in one file, no separated files

Recipe execution

To run a recipe, you can use the ddf run_recipe command:

$ ddf run_recipe -i path_to_rsecipe.yaml -o output_dir

You can specify the path where your datasets are stored:

$ ddf run_recipe -i path_to_recipe.yaml -o output_dir --ddf_dir path_to_datasets

Internally, the process to generate a dataset have following steps:

  • read the main recipe into Python object
  • if there is include section, read each file in the include list and expand the main recipe
  • if there is file name in dictionary option of each procedure, try to expand them if the option value is a filename
  • check if all datasets are available
  • build a procedure dependency tree, check if there are loops in it
  • if there is no serve procedure and serving section, the last procedure result for each section will be served. If there is serve procedure or serving section, chef will serve the result as described
  • run the procedures for each ingredient to be served and their dependencies
  • save output to disk

If you want to embed the function into your script, you can write script like this:

import ddf_utils.chef as chef

def run_recipe(recipe_file, outdir):
    recipe = chef.build_recipe(recipe_file)  # get all sub-recipes and dictionaries
    res = chef.run_recipe(recipe)  # run the recipe, get output for serving
    chef.dishes_to_disk(res)  # save output to disk

run_recipe(path_to_recipe, outdir)

Available procedures

Currently supported procedures:

  • translate_header: change ingredient data header according to a mapping dictionary
  • translate_column: change column values of ingredient data according to a mapping dictionary
  • merge: merge ingredients together on their keys
  • groupby: group ingredient by columns and do aggregate/filter/transform
  • window: run function on rolling windows
  • filter: filter ingredient data with Mongo-like query
  • filter_row: filter ingredient data by column values
  • filter_item: filter ingredient data by concepts
  • run_op: run math operations on ingredient columns
  • extract_concepts: generate concepts ingredient from other ingredients
  • trend_bridge: connect 2 ingredients and make custom smoothing
  • flatten: flatten dimensions in the indicators to create new indicators
  • split_entity: split an entity and create new entity from it
  • merge_entity: merge some entity to create a new entity


Change ingredient data header according to a mapping dictionary.

usage and options

procedure: translate_header
ingredients:  # list of ingredient id
  - ingredient_id
result: str  # new ingledient id
  dictionary: str or dict  # file name or mappings dictionary


  • if dictionary option is a dictionary, it should be a dictionary of oldname -> newname mappings; if it’s a string, the string should be a json file name that contains such dictionary.
  • currently chef only support one ingredient in the ingredients parameter


Change column values of ingredient data according to a mapping dictionary, the dictionary can be generated from an other ingredient.

usage and options

procedure: translate_column
ingredients:  # list of ingredient id
  - ingredient_id
result: str  # new ingledient id
  column: str  # the column to be translated
  target_column: str  # optinoal, the target column to store the translated data
  not_found: {'drop', 'include', 'error'}  # optional, the behavior when there is values not found in the mapping dictionary, default is 'drop'
  ambiguity: {'prompt', 'skip', 'error'}  # optional, the behavior when there is ambiguity in the dictionary
  dictionary: str or dict  # file name or mappings dictionary


  • If base is provided in dictionary, key and value should also in dictionary. In this case chef will generate a mapping dictionary using the base ingredient. The dictionary format will be:
    base: str  # ingredient name
    key: str or list  # the columns to be the keys of the dictionary, can accept a list
    value: str  # the column to be the values of the the dictionary, must be one column
  • currently chef only support one ingredient in the ingredients parameter


here is an example when we translate the BP geo names into Gapminder’s

procedure: translate_column
    - bp-geo
    column: name
    target_column: geo_new
        base: gw-countries
        key: ['alternative_1', 'alternative_2', 'alternative_3',
            'alternative_4_cdiac', 'pandg', 'god_id', 'alt_5', 'upper_case_name',
            'iso3166_1_alpha2', 'iso3166_1_alpha3', 'arb1', 'arb2', 'arb3', 'arb4',
            'arb5', 'arb6', 'name']
        value: country
    not_found: drop
result: geo-aligned


Merge ingredients together on their keys.

usage and options

procedure: merge
ingredients:  # list of ingredient id
  - ingredient_id_1
  - ingredient_id_2
  - ingredient_id_3
  # ...
result: str  # new ingledient id
  deep: bool  # use deep merge if true


  • The ingredients will be merged one by one in the order of how they are provided to this function. Later ones will overwrite the pervious merged results.
  • deep merge is when we check every datapoint for existence if false, overwrite is on the file level. If key-value (e.g. geo,year-population_total) exists, whole file gets overwritten if true, overwrite is on the row level. If values (e.g. afr,2015-population_total) exists, it gets overwritten, if it doesn’t it stays


Group ingredient by columns and do aggregate/filter/transform.

usage and options

procedure: groupby
ingredients:  # list of ingredient id
  - ingredient_id
result: str  # new ingledient id
  groupby: str or list  # colunm(s) to group
  aggregate: dict  # function block
  transform: dict  # function block
  filter: dict  # function block
  insert_key: dict  # manually add columns


  • Only one of aggregate, transform or filter can be used in one procedure.
  • Any columns not mentioned in groupby or functions are dropped.
  • If you want to add back dropped columns with same values, use insert_key option.
  • Currently chef only support one ingredient in the ingredients parameter

function block

Two styles of function block are supported, and they can mix in one procedure:

aggregate:  # or transform, filter
  col1: sum  # run sum to col1
  col2: mean
  col3:  # run foo to col3 with param1=baz
    function: foo
    param1: baz

also, we can use wildcard in the column names:

aggregate:  # or transform, filter
  "population*": sum  # run sum to all indicators starts with "population"


Run function on rolling windows.

usage and options

procedure: window
ingredients:  # list of ingredient id
  - ingredient_id
result: str  # new ingledient id
    column: str  # column which window is created from
    size: int or 'expanding'  # if int then rolling window, if expanding then expanding window
    min_periods: int  # as in pandas
    center: bool  # as in pandas
  aggregate: dict

function block

Two styles of function block are supported, and they can mix in one procedure:

  col1: sum  # run rolling sum to col1
  col2: mean  # run rolling mean to col2
  col3:  # run foo to col3 with param1=baz
    function: foo
    param1: baz


  • currently chef only support one ingredient in the ingredients parameter


Filter ingredient data with Mongo-like queries. You can filter the ingredient by item, which means indicators in datapoints or columns in other type of ingredients, and/or by row.

item filter accepts a list of items, or a list followed by $in or $nin. row filter accepts a query similar to mongo queries, supportted keywords are $and, $or, $eq, $ne, $gt, $lt. See below for an example.

usage and options:

- procedure: filter
      - ingredient_id
      item:  # just as `value` in ingredient definition
              - concept_1
              - concept_2
      row:  # just as `filter` in ingredient definition
                  $ne: usa
                  $gt: 2010
   result: output_ingredient

for more information, see the ddf_utils.chef.model.ingredient.Ingredient class and ddf_utils.chef.procedure.filter() function.


Run math operations on ingredient columns.

usage and options

procedure: run_op
ingredients:  # list of ingredient id
  - ingredient_id
result: str  # new ingledient id
  op: dict  # column name -> calculation mappings


  • currently chef only support one ingredient in the ingredients parameter


for exmaple, if we want to add 2 columns, col_a and col_b, to create an new column, we can write

procedure: run_op
  - ingredient_to_run
result: new_ingredient_id
    new_col_name: "col_a + col_b"


Generate concepts ingredient from other ingredients.

usage and options

procedure: extract_concepts
ingredients:  # list of ingredient id
  - ingredient_id_1
  - ingredient_id_2
result: str  # new ingledient id
  join:  # optional
    base: str  # base concept ingredient id
    type: {'full_outer', 'ingredients_outer'}  # default is full_outer
  include_keys: true  # if we should include the primaryKeys of the ingredients
  overwrite:  # overwirte some of the concept types
      year: time


  • all concepts in ingredients in the ingredients parameter will be extracted to a new concept ingredient
  • join option is optional; if present then the base will merge with concepts from ingredients
  • full_outer join means get the union of concepts; ingredients_outer means only keep concepts from ingredients


Connect 2 ingredients and make custom smoothing.

usage and options

- procedure: trend_bridge
    - data_ingredient                 # optional, if not set defaults to empty ingredient
      ingredient: old_data_ingredient # optional, if not set then assume it's the input ingredient
      column: concept_old_data
      ingredient: new_data_ingredient # optional, if not set then assume it's the input ingredient
      column: concept_new_data
    bridge_length: 5                  # steps in time. If year, years, if days, days.
    bridge_on: time                   # the index column to build the bridge with
    target_column: concept_in_result  # overwrites if exists. creates if not exists.
                                      # defaults to bridge_end.column
  result: data_bridged


Flatten dimension to create new indicators.

This procedure only applies for datapoints ingredients.

usage and options

- procedure: flatten
    - data_ingredient
    flatten_dimensions:  # a list of dimensions to be flattened
      - entity_1
      - entity_2
    dictionary:  # old name -> new name mappings, supports wildcard and template.
      "old_name_wildcard": "new_name_{entity_1}_{entity_2}"


For example, if we have datapoints for population by gender, year, country. And gender entity domain has male and female entity. And we want to create 2 seperated indicators: population_male and population_female. The procedure should be:

- procedure: flatten
    - population_by_gender_ingredient
      - gender
      "population": "{concept}_{gender}"  # concept will be mapped to the concept name being flattened


(WIP) split an entity into several entities


(WIP) merge several entities into one new entity

custom procedures

You can also load your own procedures. The procedure name should be module.function, where module should be in the procedures_dir or other paths in sys.path.

The procedure should be defined as following structure:

from ddf_utils.chef.model.chef import Chef
from ddf_utils.chef.model.ingredient import ProcedureResult
from ddf_utils.chef.helpers import debuggable

@debuggable  # adding debug option to the procedure
def custom_procedure(chef, ingredients, result, **options):
    # you must have chef(a Chef object), ingredients (a list of string),
    # result (a string) as parameters

    # procedures...

    # and finally return a ProcedureResult object
    return ProcedureResult(chef, result, primarykey, data)

Check our predefined procedures for examples.

Checking Intermediate Results

Most of the procedures supports debug option, which will save the result ingredient to _debug/<ingredient_id>/ folder of your working directory. So if you want to check the intermediate results, just add debug: true to the options dictionary.

Validate the Result with ddf-validation

After generating the dataset, it would be good to check if the output dataset is valid against the DDF CSV model. There is a tool ddf-validation for that, which is written in nodejs.

to check if a dataset is valid, install ddf-validation and run:

cd path_to_your_dataset

Validate Recipe with Schema

In ddf_utils we provided a command for recipe writers to check if the recipe is valid using a JSON schema for recipe. The following command check and report any errors in recipe:

$ ddf validate_recipe input.yaml

Note that if you have includes in your recipe, you may want to build a complete recipe before validating it. You can firstly build your recipe and validate it:

$ ddf build_recipe input.yaml > output.json

$ ddf validate_recipe output.json

or just run ddf validate_recipe --build input.yaml without creating a new file.

The validate command will output the json paths that are invalid, so that you can easily check which part of your recipe is wrong. For example,

$ ddf validate_recipe --build etl.yml
On .cooking.datapoints[7]
{'procedure': 'translate_header', 'ingredients': ['unpop-datapoints-pop-by-age-aligned'], 'options': {'dictionary_f': {'country_code': 'country'}}, 'result': 'unpop-datapoints-pop-by-age-country'} is not valid under any of the given schemas

For a pretty printed output of the invalid path, try using json processors like jq:

// $ ddf build_recipe etl.yml | jq ".cooking.datapoints[7]"
  "procedure": "translate_header",
  "ingredients": [
  "options": {
    "dictionary_f": {
      "country_code": "country"
  "result": "unpop-datapoints-pop-by-age-country"

Other then the json schema, we can also valiate recipe using dhall, as we will talk about in next section.

Write recipe in Dhall

Sometimes there will be recurring tasks, for example, you might applying same procedures again and again to different ingredients. In this case we would benefit from Dhall language. Also, there are more advantages on using Dhall over yaml, such as type checking. We provide type definitions for the recipe in an other repo. Check examples in the repo to see how to use them.

General guidelines for writing recipes

  • if you need to use translate_header / translate_column in your recipe, place them at the beginning of recipe. This can improve the performance of running the recipe.
  • run recipe with ddf --debug run_recipe will enable debug output when running recipes. use it with the debug option will help you in the development of recipes.

The Hy Mode

From Hy’s home page:

Hy is a wonderful dialect of Lisp that’s embedded in Python.

Since Hy transforms its Lisp code into the Python Abstract Syntax Tree, you have the whole beautiful world of Python at your fingertips, in Lisp form!

Okay, if you’re still with me, then let’s dive into the world of Hy recipe!

We provided some macros for writing recipes. They are similar to the sections in YAML:

;; import all macros
(require [ddf_utils.chef.hy_mod.macros [*]])

;; you should call init macro at the beginning.
;; This will initial a global variable *chef*

;; info macro, just like the info section in YAML
(info :id "my_fancy_dataset"
      :date "2017-12-01")

;; config macro, just like the config section in YAML
(config :ddf_dir "path_to_ddf_dir"
        :dictionary_dir "path_to_dict_dir")

;; ingredient macro, each one defines an ingredient. Just like a
;; list element in ingredients section in YAML
(ingredient :id "datapoints-source"
            :dataset "source_dataset"
            :key "geo, year")

;; procedure macro, each one defines a procedure. Just like an element
;; in the cooking blocks. First 2 parameters are the result id and the
;; collection it's in.
(procedure "result-ingredient" "datapoints"
           :procedure "translate_header"
           :ingredients ["datapoints-source"]
           :options {:dictionary
                     {"geo" "country"}})  ;; it doesn't matter if you use keyword or plain string
                                          ;; for the options dictionary's key

 ;; serve macro
 (serve :ingredients ["result-ingredient"]
        :options {"digits" 2})

 ;; run the recipe

 ;; you can do anything to the global chef element
 (print (*chef*.to_recipe))

There are more examples in the example folder.